ABO business offer

ABO business offer

other - 22.02.2024.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et fermentum dui. Ut orci quam, ornare sed lorem sed, hendrerit auctor dolor. Nulla viverra, nibh quis ultrices malesuada, ligula ipsum vulputate diam, aliquam egestas nibh ante vel dui. Sed in tellus interdum eros vulputate placerat sed non enim. Pellentesque eget justo porttitor urna dictum fermentum sit amet sed mauris. Praesent molestie vestibulum erat ac rhoncus. Aenean nunc risus, accumsan nec ipsum et, convallis sollicitudin dui. Proin dictum quam a semper malesuada. Etiam porta sit amet risus quis porta. Nulla facilisi. Cras at interdum ante. Ut gravida pharetra ligula vitae malesuada. Sed eget libero et arcu tempor tincidunt in ac lectus. Maecenas vitae felis enim. In in tellus consequat, condimentum eros vitae, lacinia risus. Sed vehicula sem sed risus volutpat elementum.

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Nunc accumsan tempus nunc ac aliquet. Integer non ullamcorper eros, in rutrum velit. Proin cursus orci sit amet lobortis iaculis. Praesent condimentum eget felis ut laoreet. Aliquam sodales dolor id mi iaculis, non fermentum leo viverra. Aenean aliquet condimentum placerat. Aenean aliquet diam arcu. Curabitur ac ligula sem. Mauris tincidunt mauris at ligula tincidunt interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus sagittis, eros ut iaculis varius, lorem nibh ullamcorper sapien, nec posuere justo massa quis ligula. Curabitur eleifend quis sapien egestas tincidunt. Nulla ornare, purus eget porttitor facilisis, lorem urna semper erat, non placerat orci est lobortis mi. Curabitur convallis, urna a tincidunt accumsan, lectus orci dictum turpis, vitae pretium leo tellus a sem. Donec vulputate erat quis turpis luctus, at aliquam massa vulputate.

Phasellus vestibulum, purus in vestibulum tempor, est ligula rutrum justo, hendrerit malesuada diam lacus quis massa. Ut fringilla fringilla mattis. Aenean nisl lectus, tempor et sapien at, venenatis tempus magna. Integer sollicitudin rhoncus augue vel pretium. Etiam nisl velit, condimentum at facilisis sagittis, vehicula a diam. Phasellus congue vehicula nisi, a vulputate augue suscipit non. Etiam condimentum placerat arcu a dapibus. Phasellus adipiscing, est vel aliquet placerat, justo lacus commodo nunc, nec pretium arcu mi nec risus. Praesent a urna semper, suscipit tellus ac, consectetur metus. Integer at fringilla magna, ut gravida lorem. Sed molestie non augue in faucibus. Phasellus at dui sem. Morbi rutrum nulla sit amet elit dapibus tincidunt.

Vestibulum varius ultrices mauris eget eleifend. Morbi sagittis nisi nec leo mollis, sed laoreet mi facilisis. Curabitur non laoreet turpis. Vivamus tincidunt orci turpis, et sodales urna egestas ut. Vestibulum eget congue ligula. Quisque leo tortor, tristique in fermentum ac, imperdiet in nibh. Integer mattis porta varius. Duis rhoncus mattis orci id pharetra. Proin mauris augue, venenatis id fringilla quis, bibendum et ligula. Sed at lacinia quam. In ac quam feugiat, lobortis nunc eu, fermentum metus.

Fusce congue consectetur arcu at dignissim. Fusce euismod mauris et leo suscipit, sed rhoncus felis tincidunt. Suspendisse eu rutrum lorem, non feugiat felis. Sed at adipiscing lectus, vel fermentum metus. Donec auctor quis sapien vitae porta. Suspendisse non tempor nisi, sed egestas orci. Suspendisse elementum ullamcorper fermentum. Etiam pellentesque venenatis ipsum, id convallis tortor molestie quis. Maecenas mollis, orci ac luctus adipiscing, sem eros ullamcorper turpis, sed pharetra mi ligula sit amet neque. Duis non imperdiet lorem. Nullam feugiat risus vel risus vulputate, vel adipiscing nibh ullamcorper.

Suspendisse vitae interdum augue. Donec mauris diam, bibendum vitae malesuada et, laoreet in justo. Duis sollicitudin tincidunt mattis. Etiam non enim id nunc dapibus rhoncus eget ut tellus. Donec eu libero at leo porttitor dignissim. Mauris lobortis et orci eu suscipit. Cras fringilla ante nec ipsum aliquam tempus. Nunc in dapibus tellus. Maecenas cursus semper turpis quis pharetra. Phasellus ultrices nisi id dui facilisis varius.

Morbi sit amet enim dui. Sed non iaculis velit. Nunc quis augue laoreet, dignissim justo ut, convallis ante. Ut ut mollis lorem. Integer aliquam, magna sed pulvinar luctus, diam enim pulvinar mauris, eu malesuada orci lacus sit amet erat. Duis accumsan nunc eget velit congue, eu aliquet velit venenatis. Aenean pulvinar ultrices lorem et malesuada. Curabitur interdum ut odio et consequat. Nunc lobortis erat vel auctor ullamcorper. Nam ut felis lectus. Nulla fringilla nisi a elit ullamcorper vehicula. Integer magna nisi, dignissim a nibh sed, cursus mollis elit. Integer pellentesque, dolor vitae iaculis iaculis, velit augue malesuada purus, eget sagittis nunc tortor quis dolor. Etiam facilisis, enim vitae rutrum commodo, est risus mollis eros, nec facilisis metus mi a sem. Vestibulum nisi orci, molestie ut ipsum quis, ornare vulputate ipsum. Vivamus vel mauris et purus commodo lacinia.

In ut mauris eget velit tincidunt facilisis. Fusce eget sollicitudin ante. Phasellus luctus ut felis eu gravida. Etiam vel fermentum justo. Integer tristique cursus vehicula. Donec vel tristique velit. In eu metus ac nibh pretium luctus non quis lorem. Sed at mi a magna lobortis aliquam. Ut placerat euismod purus at semper. Proin elementum leo in suscipit fringilla. Sed egestas pharetra dui. Vestibulum eget iaculis elit, cursus venenatis nibh. In eleifend dapibus quam eget ultrices.

Nam adipiscing aliquam nisi, eu condimentum ipsum iaculis non. Integer facilisis pellentesque nisi, sed aliquam turpis ullamcorper at. Integer ut suscipit dolor. Morbi in orci arcu. Cras non nibh purus. Sed viverra tincidunt aliquet. Vivamus scelerisque nec nisi ac auctor. Integer at consequat sem, vel cursus mauris. Aliquam non nunc nec nunc dapibus mattis eu nec risus. Praesent ligula nisi, imperdiet ut dui ut, sagittis faucibus purus. Aliquam ac nulla et purus aliquet vehicula eu vel felis. Sed suscipit, risus a elementum vehicula, est augue pretium lectus, a congue nulla arcu vitae velit. Mauris suscipit ultricies arcu a faucibus.

Integer id sapien ultricies, malesuada libero quis, tempus augue. Praesent condimentum, velit id mattis convallis, risus eros ullamcorper risus, sed eleifend nulla dui nec eros. Cras cursus mi nec augue ultricies imperdiet. Suspendisse ac auctor libero, vel gravida ipsum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean dictum nulla ut erat gravida, vel ultrices diam sagittis. Ut fermentum magna nunc, ut vulputate ante hendrerit vitae. Fusce tristique euismod libero sit amet congue. Nulla sed turpis blandit, semper eros ut, faucibus nunc.

Nam vitae sagittis enim. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis.

What others say about us

Shair Amiri

We hired an amazing Jeep wrangler. The staff was extremely helpful and stayed till late to accommodate our vehicle. By far the most trust worthy, cheap, and friendly car rental place I’ve even been to.

Shair Amiri, 8 months ago

Luis R

We had a fantastic experience with Sterling Rental Cars in Crete, and I want to express my gratitude to Iris and her team. Booking was easy, and Iris greeted us warmly upon arrival. The car was clean and reliable, making our trip hassle-free. Iris and her team's friendly service made us feel like valued guests. I highly recommend Sterling Rental Cars in Crete. Thanks, Iris, for making our vacation great!

Luis R, 8 months ago

Martina Kreileder

We rented a Fiat Panda with Sterling Rentals for our stay in Crete. Upon arrival, a short rental agreement was completed, we got the full insurance (without excess) and we paid for the car in cash. The car was also briefly inspected with us and any scratches, bumps etc were noted. We had no issues with the car and it was perfect to get around the island. Unfortunately we added a new scratch to the car, but this was no problem at all since we got the full insurance. Before returning the car we went to a self service car wash, which was much appreciated by Sterling Rentals and we filled petrol to the same amount as when we got the car. It was our first time renting a car abroad and we had a great experience with Sterling Rentals! Highly recommended!

Martina Kreileder, 8 months ago


Excellent welcome, thank you! Manolis came to pick us up from the airport and dropped us off at the end of our stay, free of charge. Rental prices more than fair. Wide choice of vehicles. Payment by card or cash.

K&L, 5 months ago

Aleksandar Markovic

We had the great experience with people working here and Fiat Panda we rented brought us to the many wonderful places during our vacation. Not a single problem occured, and we drove a lot.

Aleksandar Markovic, 5 months ago

HJ Rijneveld

Great experience renting a car for 10 days in Crete! Neatly called and picked up at the arrivals hall (the office is a few minutes' walk from the arrivals hall).

HJ Rijneveld, 5 months ago

Yann Huré

I have been renting my cars for 7 years from the Sterling agency, and you can trust these people who are true professionals. You will be welcomed by Yanis or his father Georges, they will be able to advise you and make you the best offers. Seriousness and good humor will be there. Have a good stay.

Yann Huré, 5 months ago

Shair Amiri

We hired an amazing Jeep wrangler. The staff was extremely helpful and stayed till late to accommodate our vehicle. By far the most trust worthy, cheap, and friendly car rental place I’ve even been to.

Shair Amiri, 5 months ago

Luis R

We had a fantastic experience with Sterling Rental Cars in Crete, and I want to express my gratitude to Iris and her team. Booking was easy, and Iris greeted us warmly upon arrival. The car was clean and reliable, making our trip hassle-free. Iris and her team's friendly service made us feel like valued guests. I highly recommend Sterling Rental Cars in Crete. Thanks, Iris, for making our vacation great!

Luis R, 5 months ago

Martina Kreileder

We rented a Fiat Panda with Sterling Rentals for our stay in Crete. Upon arrival, a short rental agreement was completed, we got the full insurance (without excess) and we paid for the car in cash. The car was also briefly inspected with us and any scratches, bumps etc were noted. We had no issues with the car and it was perfect to get around the island. Unfortunately we added a new scratch to the car, but this was no problem at all since we got the full insurance. Before returning the car we went to a self service car wash, which was much appreciated by Sterling Rentals and we filled petrol to the same amount as when we got the car. It was our first time renting a car abroad and we had a great experience with Sterling Rentals! Highly recommended!

Martina Kreileder, 5 months ago

Dana Captainino

We have hired cars in many countries and by far our best experience of all was with Sterling Cars at Heraklion Airport. Iris was so welcoming and helpful and also made the process of leaving the airport and going to arrivals smooth and stress free. If we go back to Crete we will definitely return to Iris and Sterling. Thank you Iris and Sterling! Best wishes Dana and Santhosh

Dana Captainino, 5 months ago

Aleksandar Markovic

We had the great experience with people working here and Fiat Panda we rented brought us to the many wonderful places during our vacation. Not a single problem occured, and we drove a lot.

Aleksandar Markovic, 5 months ago

HJ Rijneveld

Great experience renting a car for 10 days in Crete! Neatly called and picked up at the arrivals hall (the office is a few minutes' walk from the arrivals hall).

HJ Rijneveld, 5 months ago

Yann Huré

I have been renting my cars for 7 years from the Sterling agency, and you can trust these people who are true professionals. You will be welcomed by Yanis or his father Georges, they will be able to advise you and make you the best offers. Seriousness and good humor will be there. Have a good stay.

Yann Huré, 5 months ago

Shair Amiri

We hired an amazing Jeep wrangler. The staff was extremely helpful and stayed till late to accommodate our vehicle. By far the most trust worthy, cheap, and friendly car rental place I’ve even been to.

Shair Amiri, 5 months ago

Luis R

We had a fantastic experience with Sterling Rental Cars in Crete, and I want to express my gratitude to Iris and her team. Booking was easy, and Iris greeted us warmly upon arrival. The car was clean and reliable, making our trip hassle-free. Iris and her team's friendly service made us feel like valued guests. I highly recommend Sterling Rental Cars in Crete. Thanks, Iris, for making our vacation great!

Luis R, 5 months ago

Martina Kreileder

We rented a Fiat Panda with Sterling Rentals for our stay in Crete. Upon arrival, a short rental agreement was completed, we got the full insurance (without excess) and we paid for the car in cash. The car was also briefly inspected with us and any scratches, bumps etc were noted. We had no issues with the car and it was perfect to get around the island. Unfortunately we added a new scratch to the car, but this was no problem at all since we got the full insurance. Before returning the car we went to a self service car wash, which was much appreciated by Sterling Rentals and we filled petrol to the same amount as when we got the car. It was our first time renting a car abroad and we had a great experience with Sterling Rentals! Highly recommended!

Martina Kreileder, 5 months ago

Dana Captainino

We have hired cars in many countries and by far our best experience of all was with Sterling Cars at Heraklion Airport. Iris was so welcoming and helpful and also made the process of leaving the airport and going to arrivals smooth and stress free. If we go back to Crete we will definitely return to Iris and Sterling. Thank you Iris and Sterling! Best wishes Dana and Santhosh

Dana Captainino, 5 months ago


Excellent welcome, thank you! Manolis came to pick us up from the airport and dropped us off at the end of our stay, free of charge. Rental prices more than fair. Wide choice of vehicles. Payment by card or cash.

K&L, 9 months ago

Dana Captainino

We have hired cars in many countries and by far our best experience of all was with Sterling Cars at Heraklion Airport. Iris was so welcoming and helpful and also made the process of leaving the airport and going to arrivals smooth and stress free. If we go back to Crete we will definitely return to Iris and Sterling. Thank you Iris and Sterling! Best wishes Dana and Santhosh

Dana Captainino, 8 months ago

Aleksandar Markovic

We had the great experience with people working here and Fiat Panda we rented brought us to the many wonderful places during our vacation. Not a single problem occured, and we drove a lot.

Aleksandar Markovic, 10 months ago

HJ Rijneveld

Great experience renting a car for 10 days in Crete! Neatly called and picked up at the arrivals hall (the office is a few minutes' walk from the arrivals hall).

HJ Rijneveld, 10 months ago

Yann Huré

I have been renting my cars for 7 years from the Sterling agency, and you can trust these people who are true professionals. You will be welcomed by Yanis or his father Georges, they will be able to advise you and make you the best offers. Seriousness and good humor will be there. Have a good stay.

Yann Huré, 10 months ago

Our Locations

Heraklion Airport

Heraklion Airport

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Malia Center

Malia Center

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Chania Airport

Chania Airport

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