Cretaquarium: Entdecken Sie die Unterwasserwelt Kretas

Cretaquarium: Entdecken Sie die Unterwasserwelt Kretas

Blog - 27.03.2024.

Erfahren Sie mehr über das Cretaquarium, ein faszinierendes Ziel auf Kreta. Als Teil des THALASSOKOSMOS-Komplexes bietet es Einblicke in die Meeresorganismen des Mittelmeers und ist eines der größten Aquarien Europas.

Entdecken Sie das Cretaquarium mit Sterling Rentals

Das Cretaquarium ist ein weltberühmtes Aquarium auf Kreta, Griechenland, und das größte des Landes. Seit seiner Eröffnung im Jahr 2005 zieht es Besucher aus aller Welt an. Mit über 2.000 verschiedenen Arten von Meeresbewohnern, darunter Fische, Haie, Schildkröten und Quallen, bietet das Cretaquarium eine beeindruckende Vielfalt.

Was Sie über das Cretaquarium wissen müssen

Das Cretaquarium widmet sich dem Meeresschutz und der Aufklärung der Öffentlichkeit über die Bedeutung des Schutzes der Weltmeere. Besucher können eine Vielzahl von Meereslebewesen entdecken, von bunten tropischen Fischen bis hin zu majestätischen Haien und anmutigen Meeresschildkröten.

Neben seiner beeindruckenden Sammlung bietet das Cretaquarium auch Bildungs- und interaktive Ausstellungen. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Ökosysteme des Mittelmeers, die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und die Bedeutung nachhaltiger Fischereipraktiken. Das Aquarium bietet zudem Bildungsprogramme und Aktivitäten für Kinder, was es zu einem idealen Ziel für Familien macht.

Erkunden Sie Kreta mit Sterling Rentals

Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, das Cretaquarium und andere Sehenswürdigkeiten Kretas mit einem Mietwagen von Sterling Rentals zu entdecken. Wir bieten eine breite Palette von Fahrzeugen, von günstigen Mietwagen bis hin zu Luxusautos, alle mit Vollkaskoversicherung ohne Selbstbeteiligung und ohne erforderliche Kaution. Unsere erschwinglichen Preise und die Möglichkeit, ein Auto am Flughafen Heraklion zu mieten, machen Ihre Reiseplanung einfach und stressfrei.


Das Cretaquarium ist ein Muss für alle, die sich für das marine Leben und den Umweltschutz interessieren. Seine Vielfalt an Meereslebewesen, Bildungsausstellungen und das Engagement für den Meeresschutz machen es zu einer einzigartigen und wertvollen Attraktion. Mit Sterling Rentals können Sie die Freiheit genießen, Kreta in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu erkunden.

Was andere über uns sagen

Shair Amiri

We hired an amazing Jeep wrangler. The staff was extremely helpful and stayed till late to accommodate our vehicle. By far the most trust worthy, cheap, and friendly car rental place I’ve even been to.

Shair Amiri, 1 years ago

Luis R

We had a fantastic experience with Sterling Rental Cars in Crete, and I want to express my gratitude to Iris and her team. Booking was easy, and Iris greeted us warmly upon arrival. The car was clean and reliable, making our trip hassle-free. Iris and her team's friendly service made us feel like valued guests. I highly recommend Sterling Rental Cars in Crete. Thanks, Iris, for making our vacation great!

Luis R, 1 years ago

Martina Kreileder

We rented a Fiat Panda with Sterling Rentals for our stay in Crete. Upon arrival, a short rental agreement was completed, we got the full insurance (without excess) and we paid for the car in cash. The car was also briefly inspected with us and any scratches, bumps etc were noted. We had no issues with the car and it was perfect to get around the island. Unfortunately we added a new scratch to the car, but this was no problem at all since we got the full insurance. Before returning the car we went to a self service car wash, which was much appreciated by Sterling Rentals and we filled petrol to the same amount as when we got the car. It was our first time renting a car abroad and we had a great experience with Sterling Rentals! Highly recommended!

Martina Kreileder, 1 years ago


Excellent welcome, thank you! Manolis came to pick us up from the airport and dropped us off at the end of our stay, free of charge. Rental prices more than fair. Wide choice of vehicles. Payment by card or cash.

K&L, 11 months ago

Aleksandar Markovic

We had the great experience with people working here and Fiat Panda we rented brought us to the many wonderful places during our vacation. Not a single problem occured, and we drove a lot.

Aleksandar Markovic, 11 months ago

HJ Rijneveld

Great experience renting a car for 10 days in Crete! Neatly called and picked up at the arrivals hall (the office is a few minutes' walk from the arrivals hall).

HJ Rijneveld, 11 months ago

Yann Huré

I have been renting my cars for 7 years from the Sterling agency, and you can trust these people who are true professionals. You will be welcomed by Yanis or his father Georges, they will be able to advise you and make you the best offers. Seriousness and good humor will be there. Have a good stay.

Yann Huré, 11 months ago

Shair Amiri

We hired an amazing Jeep wrangler. The staff was extremely helpful and stayed till late to accommodate our vehicle. By far the most trust worthy, cheap, and friendly car rental place I’ve even been to.

Shair Amiri, 11 months ago

Luis R

We had a fantastic experience with Sterling Rental Cars in Crete, and I want to express my gratitude to Iris and her team. Booking was easy, and Iris greeted us warmly upon arrival. The car was clean and reliable, making our trip hassle-free. Iris and her team's friendly service made us feel like valued guests. I highly recommend Sterling Rental Cars in Crete. Thanks, Iris, for making our vacation great!

Luis R, 11 months ago

Martina Kreileder

We rented a Fiat Panda with Sterling Rentals for our stay in Crete. Upon arrival, a short rental agreement was completed, we got the full insurance (without excess) and we paid for the car in cash. The car was also briefly inspected with us and any scratches, bumps etc were noted. We had no issues with the car and it was perfect to get around the island. Unfortunately we added a new scratch to the car, but this was no problem at all since we got the full insurance. Before returning the car we went to a self service car wash, which was much appreciated by Sterling Rentals and we filled petrol to the same amount as when we got the car. It was our first time renting a car abroad and we had a great experience with Sterling Rentals! Highly recommended!

Martina Kreileder, 11 months ago

Dana Captainino

We have hired cars in many countries and by far our best experience of all was with Sterling Cars at Heraklion Airport. Iris was so welcoming and helpful and also made the process of leaving the airport and going to arrivals smooth and stress free. If we go back to Crete we will definitely return to Iris and Sterling. Thank you Iris and Sterling! Best wishes Dana and Santhosh

Dana Captainino, 11 months ago

Aleksandar Markovic

We had the great experience with people working here and Fiat Panda we rented brought us to the many wonderful places during our vacation. Not a single problem occured, and we drove a lot.

Aleksandar Markovic, 11 months ago

HJ Rijneveld

Great experience renting a car for 10 days in Crete! Neatly called and picked up at the arrivals hall (the office is a few minutes' walk from the arrivals hall).

HJ Rijneveld, 11 months ago

Yann Huré

I have been renting my cars for 7 years from the Sterling agency, and you can trust these people who are true professionals. You will be welcomed by Yanis or his father Georges, they will be able to advise you and make you the best offers. Seriousness and good humor will be there. Have a good stay.

Yann Huré, 11 months ago

Shair Amiri

We hired an amazing Jeep wrangler. The staff was extremely helpful and stayed till late to accommodate our vehicle. By far the most trust worthy, cheap, and friendly car rental place I’ve even been to.

Shair Amiri, 11 months ago

Luis R

We had a fantastic experience with Sterling Rental Cars in Crete, and I want to express my gratitude to Iris and her team. Booking was easy, and Iris greeted us warmly upon arrival. The car was clean and reliable, making our trip hassle-free. Iris and her team's friendly service made us feel like valued guests. I highly recommend Sterling Rental Cars in Crete. Thanks, Iris, for making our vacation great!

Luis R, 11 months ago

Martina Kreileder

We rented a Fiat Panda with Sterling Rentals for our stay in Crete. Upon arrival, a short rental agreement was completed, we got the full insurance (without excess) and we paid for the car in cash. The car was also briefly inspected with us and any scratches, bumps etc were noted. We had no issues with the car and it was perfect to get around the island. Unfortunately we added a new scratch to the car, but this was no problem at all since we got the full insurance. Before returning the car we went to a self service car wash, which was much appreciated by Sterling Rentals and we filled petrol to the same amount as when we got the car. It was our first time renting a car abroad and we had a great experience with Sterling Rentals! Highly recommended!

Martina Kreileder, 11 months ago

Dana Captainino

We have hired cars in many countries and by far our best experience of all was with Sterling Cars at Heraklion Airport. Iris was so welcoming and helpful and also made the process of leaving the airport and going to arrivals smooth and stress free. If we go back to Crete we will definitely return to Iris and Sterling. Thank you Iris and Sterling! Best wishes Dana and Santhosh

Dana Captainino, 11 months ago


Excellent welcome, thank you! Manolis came to pick us up from the airport and dropped us off at the end of our stay, free of charge. Rental prices more than fair. Wide choice of vehicles. Payment by card or cash.

K&L, 1 years ago

Dana Captainino

We have hired cars in many countries and by far our best experience of all was with Sterling Cars at Heraklion Airport. Iris was so welcoming and helpful and also made the process of leaving the airport and going to arrivals smooth and stress free. If we go back to Crete we will definitely return to Iris and Sterling. Thank you Iris and Sterling! Best wishes Dana and Santhosh

Dana Captainino, 1 years ago

Aleksandar Markovic

We had the great experience with people working here and Fiat Panda we rented brought us to the many wonderful places during our vacation. Not a single problem occured, and we drove a lot.

Aleksandar Markovic, 1 years ago

HJ Rijneveld

Great experience renting a car for 10 days in Crete! Neatly called and picked up at the arrivals hall (the office is a few minutes' walk from the arrivals hall).

HJ Rijneveld, 1 years ago

Yann Huré

I have been renting my cars for 7 years from the Sterling agency, and you can trust these people who are true professionals. You will be welcomed by Yanis or his father Georges, they will be able to advise you and make you the best offers. Seriousness and good humor will be there. Have a good stay.

Yann Huré, 1 years ago

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